

Art and Therapy


sat   10-12:00 h

or as agreed upon.

+34 664 419 262




My Place


My place to live in... an old Canarian Country House in La Vegueta, a quiet rural village in the mid-north part of Lanzarote, between Tiagua and Mancha Blanca.

I'm living in the main house of the Finca.


Canarian Finca in La Vegueta


Besides, three villas are part of the large Canarian Country House. La Bodega was originally a wine press and store, La Tienda was originally a shop, and El Almacen was originally a store for the country house.

All the villas retain much original character and charm and have an attractive combination of modern styling and features. Today, the houses are rented as rural holiday apartments.


Perfect for holidays in a rural atmosphere and also a perfect place for our art therapy workshops and retreats.



Courtyard / Patio



My place to work in...

The protected room of my indoor studio - for therapeutic sessions and indoor workshops.


Indoor studio




Indoor studio




Indoor studio



Outdoor working places.

  • Huge patio for protected individual and group sessions.


Patio of the Finca




Patio of the Finca




Outdoor studio




Patio of the Finca




Patio of the Finca




Outdoor studio




  • Pastoral and idyllic place at the back entrance of the Finca which directly leads to a wild, uncultivated field behind the house - excellent for retreats and outdoor workshops. 



Back entrance of the Finca





My housemates...


'Therapy cats'